Björn Dunkerbeck Matteo Iachino

The 2023 Dream Team

We proudly present the Starboard Dream Team of 2023. With many well-known riders and some new talents, the Starboard team is as strong as ever. Everyone is happy that 20 times World Champion, achieved through three disciplines (wave / freestyle / slalom), Sarah Quita Offringa continues her successful involvement with our brand. The word is…

Motoko Sato waveriding

Motoko Sato on top

The International Wave Tour and the Professional Windsurfing Association joined forces in 2023. The first event, that would count for the overall ranking, took place in Omaezaki, at the Pacific coast of Japan. 24 men and 8 women competed at this wild windsurfing destination. Back in
the 90’s, the SOMETIME World Cup was hosted there. It…
