For more than 15 years, Dream Team rider Flo Jung runs coaching clinics for windsurfers who want to improve their wave sailing skills. Under the label of “Peak Performance Camps”, he offers several clinics for windsurfers as well as wingfoilers in Portugal, Denmark and South Africa in 2023.

Special about those camps is the way that Flo is coaching his clients. Weeks before the actual camp starts, participants take part in the online coaching that he provides, developing necessary mental and physical skills. Like this, he can prepare each rider to get the most out of the actual time on the water during his clinics. At the camp itself, there will be a one-on-one coaching session, direct feedback from assisting trainers as well as video analysis to guarantee the best possible learning effect.

Dates and locations 2023:
09.-16. september 2023 Wing Wave Camp in Viana do Castelo/ Portugal
23.-30. september 2023 Windsurf Surf Adventure Wave Camp Denmark
06.-12. november 2023 Wing Wave Camp Capetown / South Africa
20.-28. november 2023 Windsurf Wave Camp Capetown / South Africa
For more details, questions and bookings please contact Flo Jung: