Lovely Holiday – Australia - Windsurf

Lovely Holiday – Australia

Lovely Holiday – Australia Starboard duo Sarah-Quita Offringa and Oda Johanne are out with a new Lovely Holiday episode from Australia!  “Follow Beatrice and Magdalena on their 5-week road trip up and down the coast of WA. They find awesome conditions for freestyle, wave sailing and through trial and error learn how to survive in the…

Size Matters Ultrakode Choices - Windsurf

Size Matters: Ultrakode Choices

Size Matters: UltraKode Choices   Float and Ride, or full speed towards some jumping ramps. Having the right size Ultrakode for your weight can make all the difference. Using a wave board that is too big for your weight and sail size, can leave you feeling unable to make the turns you want. While a…
