In the world of windsurfing, safety and prevention of injuries are still topics that don’t get a lot of attention. Almost all our Starboard Dream Team riders have an unpleasant experience of overcoming an injury. An injury can significantly complicate your season even if you are not a professional athlete. Therefore we would like to highlight an ongoing study dedicated to injuries associated with windsurfing and windfoiling. Conducted by the Society of Surf Medicine (Surfmedizin e.V.) in Germany, this international scientific research project focuses on injuries and overuse complaints in the context of windfoiling and windsurfing. There’s a significant gap in global studies addressing this crucial aspect. Take part in this survey and help our community to learn more about the prevention of injuries. This study is one of a kind and can help current and future windsurfers to prevent unnecessary injuries and overuse of the body.
You can fill out the survey here. It will take around 10 minutes of your time.

Dr. med. Kirsten Thünemann about Surfmedizin:
“We are a medical society of doctors and physiotherapists that all go out on the water regularly. We noticed that there is a lot of room for improvement in care of injuries sustained while surfing, kiting, windsurfing, etc. Therefore we offer medical advice in case of water sports injuries and also provide medical care at water sports events. But we also do research on these topics to further develop medical knowledge on this field. And most importantly: everything we do is voluntary work.”